Saturday, December 09, 2006

Whoever would have thought that Yale's open question essay (Essay 2) would be so hard? Sure it's an open question; write whatever you want to write. But it gets a bit problematic when there is so much that you might want to say.... I've drafted several questions/essays

i) What am I passionate about?
ii) What does studying mean to me?
iii) What is my mission?

And I still am not satisfied.

Tonight, I will draft a final question and see if it presents what I want to the ad coms.

Any suggestions on what to write?


Tuck should be calling for interviews starting next week onwards (for those who have yet to interview, like myself). I'm just hoping for an interview invite - it would mean that I've got a chance. So, all the best to all Tuck applicants, although we're competing for the same spots, I wish you good luck in getting your interview invite.



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