Wednesday, January 11, 2006

The first week

The first week of the year 2006 has come and gone. Nothing much has happened, nothing extraordinary.

I have been having trouble sleeping - waking up at 5 am thinking about credit proposals and my clients! :(

Somehow for some strange reason, going to work just does not feel like going to work. I feel detached when I head to work, I have gotten the flow of things, but do not feel like I am part of the office. Either I am zoning out at work, or I am perceiving time passing slower than it actually is (giving me the illusion that it is passing fast for me).


A friend of mine has just finished investing 90,000 Big Macs and opened a Hong Kong styled restaurant. He basically hired an entire restaurant, building it up from scratch and is going to run it. I told him he might want to consider doing a degree first (or at some point to consider and MBA in Entrepreneurship). But sometimes, it is like this over here, degrees do not really matter much for people like my friend - if you are from a rich family, you will take the money and throw it at a problem until you get a solution. His problem being, he does not have a degree, and needs a job :P Solution? Create a job for himself!

Wish I had that much money.....


I have been approached and have started talks with a company. And if they offer me anything, they will probably offer to pay me less..... Was pretty good on the overall, just as we were ending, they brought up the big "pay question"

I have got butterflies in my stomach. I hope they call.


Blogger zee said...

I don't think there ever exists a perfect job that caters to your liking in terms of pay, place, growth and challenges! Compromises should be made! Wish you luck pal!

And being wannabe's friend qualifies for a discount in your friend's restaurant ?

11:02 AM  

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