Thursday, September 08, 2005

It's my life

A conversation had/to come with various people - friends, family and other curious people that want to know what I want to do with my life. I wonder whether conversations like this occur all the time, I understand that people can be curious, and sometimes they want the best for you - but for goodness sakes, there is nothing wrong with me wanting to take a bank loan to do an MBA at INSEAD.


"Yes, one of my goals in life is to do an MBA."

-> Where will you be doing it?

"Well, I would like to hopefully get into INSEAD to do it. I feel that the exposure I would get at top school like INSEAD would be very much different, in terms of what I would learn, and who I would be learning with."

-> I've never heard of it, is there really such a school? Is it a reputable school?

"Yes it's a reputable school. If I'm not wrong, it's one of the top schools in the world. Ranked in the top ten by Forbes and other (people/companies).

-> Are you sure? Then how come I've never heard about it?

"Just because you have never heard about it doesn't mean it is bad and direputable. It's apparently very well recognised in Europe and by established companies."

-> Will it be a full time MBA? Sounds expensive, does that mean you will quit your job for it?

"Yes, I will have to quit my job as it's a full time MBA. In fact, I'll probably have to take a loan to pay for it."

->Really? Doesn't sound to good, why don't you do an MBA at a cheaper place? In fact, why do you even want to quit your job? What's wrong with you?

"Because I believe that somethings in life are worth paying for. And no, I don't think there is anything wrong with me."

-> Really? You must be mad, I'll rather use the money to buy a BMW.

"Go ahead, nobody is asking you to study for the MBA. I'm not asking you to pay for my MBA, I'll be the one taking the loan and studying, not you. I guess different people have different opinions and place different values for things in life, personally, I believe that an MBA will make me a better person in various ways."

-> Who ever heard of quitting a job and then taking a loan for an MBA?

"Yes, I will quit my job when the time comes, but I believe that I would be sacrificing the short-term for the long-term gain. As for taking a loan, I look at the MBA as an investment, taking a loan to do my MBA would be the same as your taking a loan to buy a house."

"Why do I have to be like everybody else? Why can't I be different, and reach out to my dreams. What is wrong if I want to achieve more in life?"



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