Saturday, November 05, 2005

Nice week

What an enjoyable week, with national holidays, I only had to work for two days this week. Quite relaxing. Spent my time just going out with friends and visiting my girlfriend.

On a side note - my parents are beginning to discuss my marriage! *gasp*

i) Who would be footing the reception dinner(s) bill?
ii) Who should be invited to the reception held for my family?
iii) How should the reception be like?

Oh woe is me. My parents are taking an active role in my marriage plans. Of course telling them that I only plan to marry AFTER doing an MBA (3 years time?) does not seem to affect their speculations very much. In addition, I keep telling them that my girlfriend sees no rush in our getting married.

Maybe I can throw them off my track by introducing another girl! Although that would probably earn their disapproval for my fickle and promiscuous behaviour, not to mention the wrath of my girlfriend!


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