Friday, October 21, 2005

Whoops now!

Whoops, analyst job has been given to somebody better qualified - understandable and no hard feelings there.

So, I am back to square one - my current job. You know, it could be a worse job than what it is. I guess personally, maybe because there is an element of sales in my job that I feel uncomfortable with it.

I have never really liked the whole idea of "selling" yourself and what you stood for to somebody. Yes, of course it happens everyday and without it, everybody would be out of a job. Selling yourself and your company's products is a daily occurence.

Nevertheless. I do not like the sales aspect. Sitting down and doing the risk management part, writing up the proposals - yup, that is all fine and dandy with me. Even meeting the client to discuss on the structuring of his trade facilities, no problem. Enjoyable even. But selling myself via a cold call, that is definitely not on my top 100 list of things to do.

My greatest fear of being too sales oriented is that, 10 years down the road, that is all I will be doing - sales. Because all my experience would have been in selling stuff. Is that fear valid? I think it is absolutely valid, I mean, ask a lawyer, or an engineer or a teacher or an accountant what they are likely to be doing 10 years down the road.

But then, my job is not all sales, and covers the nice stuff that I want to learn more off - like risk management, trade banking, etc.

And there are pretty decent benefits, but those are secondary for the time being.

But one day, I am going to move away from sales, if that is possible. And move to a knowledge centric/focused occupation.


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