Sunday, October 09, 2005

One Year

One year ago, I was in a foreign land, wishing to come home. Now I am at home wishing to go overseas.

One year ago, I was struggling with myself - to complete my studies while having anxiety attacks and depression. Now I am starting my career, struggling to learn and perform fast enough, well enough.

One year ago, I did not know whether I had a relationship, whether what I had would be strong enough to build it up again. Now I am on the verge of being engaged to somebody that I love; that loves me in return.

One year ago, my friends and I, said things would never change, that we would all keep in touch. Now all have moved on with life, forgetting the friends that once were.

One year ago, I lived with 11 other people, sharing their life - their companionship. Now I am living with my family, in my own little world by myself.

One year ago, I never saw beyond 6 months - never planned for the future. Now I am planning 3 years, 5 years in advance, plotting out my life.

One year ago, I worried about whether there was enough money to buy food with. Now I am worried to whether I am eating to much.

One year ago, I never gave a thought to what I would be doing in a year's time. Now I am thinking about what I was doing one year ago....

I wonder what I will be doing one year from now....


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