Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Non-serious Post 1.1 - Things I like

4. I like technology for the promise of change that it brings. I like minimalist looking cutting edge technology, designed in black and white, sleek and sexy. I do not buy much of it myself simply because at times it costs too much and technology being technology tends to get outdated pretty fast. When it comes to technology, at times the packaging it comes in matters as much as its functionality. The sleeker it looks, the better!

5. I like lazy rainy mornings, where I wake up and lie in bed, listening to the rain fall and just feeling the cool fresh atmosphere. And turning around and going right back to sleep. Without having to wake up and haul my sorry self to work.

6. I like ambitions, dreams and plans. Realistic and unrealistic ambitions. And then slowly planning on how to achieve it, and implementing the plan. Gives me a purpose in life and something to look forward to. Of course, the unrealistic ambitions get filed under "Day dreams" ! But then, who is to say what is achievable and what is not? With drive, hard work, some money and a bit of luck, you can always hope for the best and head for your dreams. I think life is too short not to have any ambitions and dreams.

As for plans, there is a certain pleasure in planning something out step by step, and anticipating its outcomes and dealing with them theoretically. Sometimes it is an exercise in futility, but sometimes speculative planning makes you think of things in a new ways, and opens up your eyes.