Saturday, January 14, 2006


I have yet to sit down and finish up my resolutions, as well as my list of top 10 things that I like.

Looks like I am eager to start, but slow to finish. Not very good I guess. Or maybe it is because I have been thinking and thinking and thinking about my resolutions, and realise that 'Hey, I don't really have any resolutions!'

I think, that maybe the following could be considered my New Year's resolutions.

i) To work hard and give my best towards the GMAT.
ii) If I am to stay on at my current job, to ensure that I perform well at it and finish up my training in December.

Not much I could really be realistic about.


Ever wondered about your job? As in, how much thinking is actually required for your job?

Do you really have to think when doing your work, or are you just following procedures? A pre-set path?

I realise that I want a job that lets me think, a job that requires me to sit down and think of solutions, a job that allows me to be creative - not have to adhere to procedures and protocols.

I realise I do not think very much.



Blogger MBABlogger said...

5/41 in CR is awesome I would say :)

8:28 PM  

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