Monday, January 30, 2006

Chinese New Year

What a glorious week, with the Chinese New Year celebrations, public holidays are 4 our of the 5 working days!

I definitely plan to catch up with my GMAT preparations. Of course, that is easier said than done since I have to make time as well to attend to the family gatherings/lunches/dinners and all other important Chinese New Year activities - including hosting blackjack! :D

But I have been running up and down for the past two days - with the highlight being a discussion with a representative from Empresa. I definitely enjoyed it and have decided to include Empresa on my application list. Of course, the downside is unlike the top USA business schools, not many European schools seem to guarantee financing - be it loans or scholarships or bursary etc.

Empresa stands for

i) Entrepreneurship
ii) International
iii) Innovation

Woot! Sounds good? To me it does, or at least interesting. So now I am just looking at post-MBA careers.


Blogger Death Spiral said...

good luck with the GMAT buddy. I have tagged you :-). Read my post today. When do you think we add faces to the name?

11:12 PM  

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